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Albion College Information System



Directory By Name


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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z

Sunny K. Kadlitz
Campus Address: 4748 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5012
E-mail: skk12@albion.edu

Julia J. Kado
Campus Address: 4757 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5012
E-mail: jjk17@albion.edu

Meerimai U. Kadyrzhanova
Campus Address: 4741 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: muk10@albion.edu

Mr. Christopher L. Kamykowski (Chris)
Title, Department: Ceramic Technician, Art and Art History
Campus Address: ART Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290246
E-mail: ckamykowski@albion.edu

Katelynn B. Kandow
Campus Address: 4745 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: kbk11@albion.edu

Beata Karwaczka
Campus Address: 4850 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: bk11@albion.edu

Avery M. Kasanic
Campus Address: 4749 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: amk24@albion.edu

Mr. Frederick Troy Kase (Troy)
Title, Department: Director, Career Development, Career Development
Campus Address: CRDV Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290332
E-mail: tkase@albion.edu

Emma E. Kastl
Campus Address: 4851 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: eek10@albion.edu

Audrey J. Kauk
Campus Address: 4858 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: ajk20@albion.edu

Matthew J. Kay
Title, Department: , Music
Campus Address: MUSI Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290481
E-mail: mkay@albion.edu

Ms. Kiah A. Kayser
Title, Department: Asst Prof, Theatre Faculty, Theatre
Campus Address: THEA Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290627
E-mail: kkayser@albion.edu

Cowen J. Keller
Campus Address: 4718 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: cjk19@albion.edu

Anja M. Kelley
Campus Address: 4751 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: amk25@albion.edu

Dr. Ian R Kelley (Ian)
Title, Department: Director Writing Assessment, English
Campus Address: ENGL Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290828
E-mail: ikelley@albion.edu

Lizzy M. Kelley (Lizzy)
Campus Address: 4732 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: emk16@albion.edu

Zak A. Kelly
Campus Address: 4863 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: zak13@albion.edu

Jack R. Kennedy
Campus Address: 4765 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: jrk15@albion.edu

Ilsan Kenzhebaev
Campus Address: 4766 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: ik10@albion.edu

Karolina J. Kepa Sr.
Campus Address: 4770 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: kjk12@albion.edu

Kasey A. Kernen
Campus Address: 4864 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: kak16@albion.edu

Carli J. Kerns
Campus Address: 4772 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: cjk18@albion.edu

Sophia G. Kerr
Campus Address: 4865 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: sgk11@albion.edu

Mimi M. Ketlhalefile (Mimi)
Campus Address: 4759 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5012
E-mail: mmk16@albion.edu

Dr. Moataz Khalifa
Title, Department: , Physics
Campus Address: PHYS Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290267
E-mail: mkhalifa@albion.edu

Carter J. Kildea
Campus Address: 4762 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5012
E-mail: cjk20@albion.edu

Mrs. Carolyn Killewald
Title, Department: Associate Director/Business Mn, Equestrian Center
Campus Address: EQUE Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290838
E-mail: ckillewald@albion.edu

Dr. Ji Hyun Kim
Title, Department: Asst. Professor Music, Music
Campus Address: MUSI Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290481
E-mail: jkim@albion.edu

Jinhyun Kim
Title, Department: Applied Mus Adj Cello & Coach, Music
Campus Address: Musi Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290481
E-mail: jinhyunkim@albion.edu

Jocelyn A. Kincaid-Beal
Campus Address: 4888 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: jak17@albion.edu

Truman King
Campus Address: 4735 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: tk15@albion.edu

Lucas J. Kinney
Campus Address: 4777 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: ljk13@albion.edu

Natalie J. Kinney
Campus Address: 4768 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5012
E-mail: njk14@albion.edu

Dr. Gilbert Kipkoech
Title, Department: ComStudies Visiting Faculty, Communication Studies
Campus Address: CMST Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: gkipkoech@albion.edu

Prof. Jeremy S. Kirby
Title, Department: Prof, Philosophy, Philosophy
Campus Address: PHIL Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290353
E-mail: jkirby@albion.edu

Benjamin J. Kirk (B.J.)
Title, Department: Pool Op & Pipe Fitter III, Maintenance of Buildings
Campus Address: 4694 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290230
E-mail: bkirk@albion.edu

Anastasia R. Kiser
Campus Address: 4789 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: ark16@albion.edu

Amelia A Kish
Campus Address: 4736 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: aak12@albion.edu

Mr. Joel D. Klain
Title, Department: Technical Director - Stage, Theatre
Campus Address: THEA Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290639
E-mail: jklain@albion.edu

Ari S. Klinger
Campus Address: 4773 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5012
E-mail: ask13@albion.edu

Jeremy A. Klooster
Campus Address: 4791 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: jak16@albion.edu

Zak A. Knapp (Zak)
Campus Address: 4774 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5012
E-mail: zak14@albion.edu

Ryan M. Knitter
Campus Address: 4889 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: rmk13@albion.edu

Ms. Lindsey R. Knowlden
Title, Department: AmeriCorps Program Director, Ludington Center
Campus Address: 4684 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: lknowlden@albion.edu

Mr. Trevor D. Knowles (Trevor)
Title, Department: Asst. Coach, Track and Field, Track
Campus Address: DOW Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290500
E-mail: tknowles@albion.edu

Joseph A Koehn (Joey)
Title, Department: Dir Community Living & Student, Community Living
Campus Address: 4682 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5008
Office Telephone: 517 6290224
E-mail: jkoehn@albion.edu

Sarah M. Kohler
Campus Address: 4739 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: smk16@albion.edu

Mr. James M. Konarske (Jimmy)
Title, Department: eSports Assistant Coach, Esports
Campus Address: DOW Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290600
E-mail: jkonarske@albion.edu

Lexi T. Kondogiani (Lexi)
Campus Address: 4742 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: atk10@albion.edu

Colin Koscinski
Campus Address: 4747 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: ck17@albion.edu

Alex J. Kotas (Alex)
Campus Address: 4776 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5013
E-mail: ajk21@albion.edu

Mr. Jeffery J. Kotas
Title, Department: Groundskeeper III, Grounds, Roads and Walks
Campus Address: 4694 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290227
E-mail: jkotas@albion.edu

Kailey L. Kowalchuk
Campus Address: 5117 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: klk20@albion.edu

Sarah E. Kozal
Campus Address: 4761 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: sek13@albion.edu

Louis A. Kramer
Campus Address: 4801 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: lak15@albion.edu

Kaitlyn A. Kreb
Campus Address: 4778 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5013
E-mail: kak17@albion.edu

Mrs. Renee M. Kreger
Title, Department: Assc Dir Honors and FURSCA, Honors Program
Campus Address: 4686 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290614
E-mail: rkreger@albion.edu

Christopher A. Krum Jr.
Campus Address: 4820 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: cak13@albion.edu

Jacob S. Kubiak
Campus Address: 4764 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: jsk14@albion.edu

Ava I. Kunkel
Campus Address: 4782 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5013
E-mail: aik10@albion.edu

Riley S. Kunkel
Campus Address: 4825 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: rsk10@albion.edu

Brady D. Kusak
Campus Address: 4933 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: bdk10@albion.edu
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