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Albion College Information System



Directory By Name


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Mr. Nicholas J. Laban
Title, Department: Accompanist, Music, Music
Campus Address: MUSI Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290827
E-mail: nlaban@albion.edu

Mrs. Jasmine M. LaBine
Title, Department: ComStudies Visiting Faculty, Communication Studies
Campus Address: CMST Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: jlabine@albion.edu

Mrs. Leigh Ann M. LaFave
Title, Department: Head Coach, W-Softball, Women's Softball
Campus Address: DOW Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290515
E-mail: llafave@albion.edu

Connor J. Laidlaw
Campus Address: 4792 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5013
E-mail: cjl13@albion.edu

Mr. Daniel A. Lake
Title, Department: Visiting Instructor E&M, Communication Studies
Campus Address: CMST Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290816
E-mail: dlake@albion.edu

Malakhi D. LaMar
Campus Address: 4783 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5013
E-mail: mdl13@albion.edu

RJ E. Lamar Jr. (RJ)
Campus Address: 5147 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: rel11@albion.edu

Kevie A. Lamour
Campus Address: 4841 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: kal19@albion.edu

Payton E. Landry
Campus Address: 4940 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: pel11@albion.edu

Heath LaPointe
Campus Address: 4936 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: hl15@albion.edu

Max A. LaPonsie
Campus Address: 5575 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: mal17@albion.edu

Jack N. LaPorte
Campus Address: 4786 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5013
E-mail: jnl12@albion.edu

Jack L. Lasceski
Campus Address: 4843 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: jll16@albion.edu

Matthew S. Lathom
Campus Address: 4793 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5013
E-mail: msl12@albion.edu

Mr. Andrew T. Lawrence (Andy)
Title, Department: Asst AD Athl Trng, Athletic Training
Campus Address: DOW Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290522
E-mail: alawrence@albion.edu

Kyla T. Lawrence
Campus Address: 4798 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5013
E-mail: ktl12@albion.edu

Jesus A. Leana Cruztitla
Campus Address: 5140 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: jal21@albion.edu

Nathan M Lee
Title, Department: Asst Coach, Volleyball, Women's Volleyball
Campus Address: KGYM Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290533
E-mail: nmlee@albion.edu

Mrs. Nikole K. Lee (Nikki)
Title, Department: FacSec;Theatre & Dance/Phys Ed, Theatre
Campus Address: THEA Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290344
E-mail: nlee@albion.edu

Dr. Joseph A. Lee-Cullin (Joe)
Title, Department: Asst Prof, Geo Sciences, Earth and Environment
Campus Address: GEOL Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290574
E-mail: jleecullin@albion.edu

Mr. David W. Leib (Dave)
Title, Department: Director, Campus Safety, Campus Safety
Campus Address: 4698 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6291234
E-mail: dleib@albion.edu

Mrs. Dawn M. Leightner
Title, Department: Campus Services, Facilities Operations
Campus Address: 4694 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290230
E-mail: dleightner@albion.edu

Richard V. Leightner Jr. (Rich)
Title, Department: Maintenance III, Facilities Operations
Campus Address: 4694 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290230
E-mail: rleightner@albion.edu

Trevor D. LeMaigre
Campus Address: 4802 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: tdl12@albion.edu

Mrs. Tracy L. Lerma
Title, Department: Admn Secy, Registrar's Ofc, Registrar
Campus Address: 4663 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290217
E-mail: tlerma@albion.edu

William Leung (Will)
Title, Department: Videographer / Producer, Marketing Communications
Campus Address: 4687 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290180
E-mail: wleung@albion.edu

Emily I. Levine (Emily)
Campus Address: 4771 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: eil10@albion.edu

Dannecia D. Lewellen
Campus Address: 4803 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5013
E-mail: ddl12@albion.edu

Dr. Heather M. Lewis
Title, Department: Adj Asst Prof, HCI 105, Wilson Institute For Medicine
Campus Address: 4678 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290816
E-mail: hmlewis@albion.edu

Kyndall R. Lewis
Campus Address: 4853 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: krl12@albion.edu

Dr. Lisa B. Lewis
Title, Department: Provost, Academic Affairs
Campus Address: CHEM Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290252
E-mail: lblewis@albion.edu

Quinn R. Lewis
Campus Address: 4808 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5013
E-mail: qrl10@albion.edu

Taly P. Lewis (Taly)
Campus Address: 4809 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5013
E-mail: tpl10@albion.edu

Dr. Zhen Li
Title, Department: Prof, Econ&Mngt, Economics and Management
Campus Address: ECON Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290490
E-mail: zli@albion.edu

Nicholas X. Lianez
Campus Address: 4947 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: nxl10@albion.edu

Harper Lienerth
Campus Address: 5314 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: hl14@albion.edu

Lynsey E. Light
Campus Address: 4949 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: lel10@albion.edu

Aniyah T. Lindo
Campus Address: 4855 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: ATL11@albion.edu

Annika E. Lindstrom
Campus Address: 4954 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: ael16@albion.edu

Mrs. Mary Kate Lippert
Title, Department: Asst Stable Manager, Equestrian Center
Campus Address: Eque Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: mlippert@albion.edu

Caroline R. Lippitt
Campus Address: 4970 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: crl11@albion.edu

Brandon Lipson
Campus Address: 4973 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: bl15@albion.edu

Dedrick D. Little
Campus Address: 4810 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5013
E-mail: ddl13@albion.edu

Oyu Lkhagvajav (Oyu)
Campus Address: 4814 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5013
E-mail: ol13@albion.edu

Bayart Lkhamsuren
Campus Address: 4815 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5014
E-mail: bl16@albion.edu

Mrs. Lisa A. Locke
Title, Department: SR. Director, Human Resources, Human Resources
Campus Address: 4664 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290206
E-mail: llocke@albion.edu

Emma R. Loewe
Campus Address: 4995 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: erl13@albion.edu

Peyton E. Long
Campus Address: 4784 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: pel12@albion.edu

Arleth A. Lopez
Campus Address: 4885 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5016
E-mail: aal18@albion.edu

Ayanna P. Lopez
Campus Address: 4821 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5014
E-mail: apl10@albion.edu

Brianna B. Lopez
Campus Address: 5565 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: bbl11@albion.edu

Danio Lopez
Campus Address: 4822 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5014
E-mail: dl17@albion.edu

Evelyn G. Lopez
Campus Address: 4790 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: egl12@albion.edu

Liliana L. Lopez
Campus Address: 4870 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: lll12@albion.edu

Teresa Lopez
Campus Address: 4998 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: tl14@albion.edu

Bonnie F. Lord
Campus Address: 5002 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: bfl10@albion.edu

Lindsey M. Lorius
Campus Address: 4797 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: lml15@albion.edu

Tre'sure Lott
Campus Address: 4882 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: tl13@albion.edu

Mr. Justin H. Loukotka
Title, Department: E&E Technician Externship, Earth and Environment
Campus Address: GEOL Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290461
E-mail: jloukotka@albion.edu

Xavier T. Love Sr.
Campus Address: 4807 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: xtl10@albion.edu

George H. Lovell III
Campus Address: 4800 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: ghl10@albion.edu

Lucas W. Lovell
Campus Address: 4895 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: lwl10@albion.edu

Mark R Lowery
Title, Department: Editorial Director, Marketing Communications
Campus Address: 4687 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5009
Office Telephone: 517 6290543
E-mail: mlowery@albion.edu

America M. Lozano
Campus Address: 4805 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: aml23@albion.edu

June A. Lubrin I (June)
Campus Address: 4909 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5016
E-mail: lal12@albion.edu

Eric G. Lucas
Campus Address: 4905 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: egl11@albion.edu

Kevin C. Lucas II
Campus Address: 5008 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: kcl11@albion.edu

Marco R. Lucchesi
Campus Address: 5194 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: mrl13@albion.edu

Faith E. Lutomski
Campus Address: 4823 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: fel10@albion.edu

Mrs. Catherine B Luzadder
Title, Department: , Psychological Science
Campus Address: PSYC Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290665
E-mail: cluzadder@albion.edu

Samuel E. Lynch
Campus Address: 4806 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: sel12@albion.edu

Jya C. Lynem
Campus Address: 5207 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: jcl14@albion.edu

Dr. Sheila A. Lyons-Sobaski (Sheila)
Title, Department: Assc Prof, Biology, Biology
Campus Address: BIOL Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290649
E-mail: slyons@albion.edu
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