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Albion College Information System



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Mercedes L Pace
Title, Department: Cheer Coach, PT, Athletics
Campus Address: Dow Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: mpace@albion.edu

Julian J. Pacheco
Campus Address: 5240 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: jjp18@albion.edu

Londyn A. Pachota
Campus Address: 5134 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: lap12@albion.edu

Emma R. Pagliarella
Campus Address: 5106 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5020
E-mail: erp13@albion.edu

Beth O. Paine (Beth)
Campus Address: 5108 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5020
E-mail: bop10@albion.edu

Diana Pallares
Campus Address: 5252 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: dp15@albion.edu

Mr. Daniel J. Palmer (Dan)
Title, Department: Applied Mus Adj Guitar, Music
Campus Address: MUSI Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290481
E-mail: dpalmer@albion.edu

Mrs. Elizabeth C. Palmer
Title, Department: Archivist & Special Collection, Library
Campus Address: 4692 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290487
E-mail: epalmer@albion.edu

Victoria Panasiuk
Campus Address: 5111 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5020
E-mail: vp10@albion.edu

Veronica C. Paniccia
Campus Address: 5025 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: vcp10@albion.edu

Dj J. Pannell-Roman (Dj)
Campus Address: 5119 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5020
E-mail: djp13@albion.edu

Dana R. Parker
Campus Address: 5143 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: drp11@albion.edu

Maddie E. Parker (Maddie)
Campus Address: 5029 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: mep19@albion.edu

Dr. Clayton G. Parr
Title, Department: Prof, Music, Music
Campus Address: MUSI Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290251
E-mail: cparr@albion.edu

Keegan T. Pastor
Campus Address: 5150 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: ktp10@albion.edu

Iris O. Patel
Campus Address: 5043 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: iop10@albion.edu

Isabelle F. Patel
Campus Address: 5151 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: ifp10@albion.edu

Gabriel Patnode (Gabriel)
Campus Address: 5044 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: gp14@albion.edu

Diamond T. Patrick
Campus Address: 5437 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: dtp10@albion.edu

Kaen E. Patton (Kaen)
Campus Address: 5045 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: rem11@albion.edu

Camden J. Paul
Campus Address: 5192 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: cjp13@albion.edu

Davon A. Pearson
Campus Address: 5267 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: dap13@albion.edu

Nicklas F. Penabaker
Campus Address: 5157 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: nfp11@albion.edu

Nathan A. Penfield
Campus Address: 5121 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5020
E-mail: nap11@albion.edu

Gabriel Peraino
Campus Address: 5274 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: gp11@albion.edu

Magali Perez
Campus Address: 5276 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: mp13@albion.edu

Silvester Perez III
Campus Address: 5123 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5020
E-mail: sp18@albion.edu

Olivia A. Perfili
Campus Address: 5165 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: oap10@albion.edu

Hugh D. Periard
Campus Address: 5278 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: hdp11@albion.edu

Jaylyn D. Perkins
Campus Address: 5125 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5020
E-mail: jdp18@albion.edu

Lauren M. Perry
Title, Department: Associate Director of Internat, Admission
Campus Address: 4685 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290321
E-mail: lperry@albion.edu

Dezmond L. Pettway
Campus Address: 5130 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5020
E-mail: dlp15@albion.edu

Marcus D. Pettway
Campus Address: 5131 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5020
E-mail: mdp13@albion.edu

Drew E. Petty (Drew)
Campus Address: 5062 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: aep13@albion.edu

Hannah E. Petty
Campus Address: 5173 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: hep12@albion.edu

Ms. Christina E. Pfeil
Title, Department: Exec Dir Albion and Purpose an, School of Public Purpose
Campus Address: 4684 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290702
E-mail: cpfeil@albion.edu

Miley A. Phillips
Campus Address: 5175 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: map15@albion.edu

Reis J. Phillips
Campus Address: 5287 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: rjp12@albion.edu

Mrs. Faith V Piepkow
Title, Department: Assistant Director Admission, Admission
Campus Address: 4685 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290321
E-mail: fpiepkow@albion.edu

Roger J Pieroni
Title, Department: French Adjunct, Modern Languages and Cultures
Campus Address: Mlac Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290335
E-mail: rpieroni@albion.edu

Richard A. Pifer III
Campus Address: 5176 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: rap14@albion.edu

Ashley J. Pion
Title, Department: Human Resources Generalist, Human Resources
Campus Address: 4664 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290203
E-mail: apion@albion.edu

Joey N. Pipesh (Joey)
Campus Address: 5071 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: jnp10@albion.edu

Exander M. Poe
Campus Address: 5300 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: emp13@albion.edu

Mr. Christopher T. Polich
Title, Department: Maintenance IV-Mechanic, Grounds, Roads and Walks
Campus Address: 4694 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290230
E-mail: cpolich@albion.edu

Owen E. Z. Poling
Campus Address: 5185 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: op10@albion.edu

Mr. Gregory W. Polnasek (Greg)
Title, Department: Officer, Campus Safety, PT, Campus Safety
Campus Address: 4698 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290541
517 6291234
E-mail: gpolnasek@albion.edu

Joshua E. Pombo
Campus Address: 5074 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: jep13@albion.edu

Gabriela L. Popa
Campus Address: 5135 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5020
E-mail: glp10@albion.edu

Ella H. Porter
Campus Address: 5188 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: ehp11@albion.edu

Chelsea M. Post
Campus Address: 5318 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: cmp15@albion.edu

Rachel C. Potter
Campus Address: 5082 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: rcp10@albion.edu

Ellison M. Powell
Campus Address: 5083 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: emp14@albion.edu

Kayelyn A. Powell (Kayelyn)
Campus Address: 5144 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5020
E-mail: kap18@albion.edu

Colby M. Prais
Campus Address: 5308 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: cmp16@albion.edu

Nadi E. Pratt (Nadi)
Campus Address: 5094 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: nep10@albion.edu

Spencer Prescott
Campus Address: 5095 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: sp16@albion.edu

Dr. Katey A Price
Title, Department: Associate Prof, ComStudies, Communication Studies
Campus Address: CMST Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290326
E-mail: kprice@albion.edu

Gabe R. Priestley
Campus Address: 5146 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5020
E-mail: grp10@albion.edu

Emanuele Principi Sr.
Campus Address: 5154 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5020
E-mail: ep11@albion.edu

Miles J. Pritchett
Campus Address: 5155 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5020
E-mail: mjp15@albion.edu

Katelyn M. Proshek
Campus Address: 5193 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: kmp21@albion.edu

Michael J. Pruchnic
Campus Address: 4964 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: mjp14@albion.edu

Valdis R. Purnell Jr.
Campus Address: 5345 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: vrp10@albion.edu

Kaylynn A. Putzbach
Campus Address: 5156 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5020
E-mail: kap19@albion.edu
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