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Directory By Name


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Basil G. Valchine (Basil)
Campus Address: 5449 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: sgv10@albion.edu

Jaz L. Valdez (Jaz)
Campus Address: 5450 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5023
E-mail: jlv14@albion.edu

Prof. Peter M. Valdina
Title, Department: Assc Prof, Religion, Religious Studies
Campus Address: RELI Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290351
517 6290207
E-mail: pvaldina@albion.edu

Aleck C. Vallejo (Aleck)
Campus Address: 5454 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5023
E-mail: acv11@albion.edu

Daniel Valles (Dan)
Title, Department: VP Finance and Administration, Finance and Administration
Campus Address: 4668 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5007
Office Telephone: 517 6290289
E-mail: dvalles@albion.edu

Ms. Bobbie J. Van Eck
Title, Department: Assistant Registrar, Registrar
Campus Address: 4663 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290655
E-mail: bvaneck@albion.edu

Meghan A VanArsdalen
Title, Department: Theatre Adjunct Faculty, Theatre
Campus Address: Thea Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: mvanarsdalen@albion.edu

Lilli E. Vandervennet (Lilli)
Campus Address: 5460 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5023
E-mail: lev11@albion.edu

Catherine R. VanderWeg
Campus Address: 5398 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: crv12@albion.edu

Sam C. VanderWerf (Sam)
Campus Address: 5455 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: scv12@albion.edu

Tyler VanEvery
Title, Department: Counselor, Wellness
Campus Address: 4674 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5008
Office Telephone: 517 6290236
E-mail: tvanevery@albion.edu

Noah M. Vanlaningham
Campus Address: 5464 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: nmv11@albion.edu

Noelia Vargas
Campus Address: 5402 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: nv11@albion.edu

Kimberly Vasquez-Contreras
Campus Address: 5796 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5026
E-mail: kv11@albion.edu

Justin T. Vaughn
Title, Department: Senior Systems Admin., Systems & Networking
Campus Address: 4691 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290479
E-mail: jtvaughn@albion.edu

Alexandra Vazquez
Campus Address: 5412 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: av15@albion.edu

George Vazquez
Campus Address: 5415 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: gv10@albion.edu

Tommy S. Veresh (Tommy)
Campus Address: 5471 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5023
E-mail: tsv11@albion.edu

Tobi J. Verkest (Tobi)
Campus Address: 5477 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5023
E-mail: mv11@albion.edu

Aliyah L. Vesper
Campus Address: 5610 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: alv12@albion.edu

Nathan S. Vesper
Campus Address: 5798 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: nsv11@albion.edu

Ryan M. Vezza
Campus Address: 5468 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: rmv10@albion.edu

Avery Vick (Avery)
Campus Address: 5482 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5023
E-mail: av17@albion.edu

Jordan R. Vidojevski
Campus Address: 5611 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: jrv11@albion.edu

Myler D. Vielman
Campus Address: 5612 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: mdv13@albion.edu

Makayla C. Vines
Campus Address: 5614 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: mcv13@albion.edu

Logan E. Vining
Campus Address: 5430 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: lev10@albion.edu

Mr. Edward John Visco (Eddie)
Title, Department: Exec Director, Ford Institute, Ford Institute
Campus Address: FORD Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
Office Telephone: 517 6290328
E-mail: evisco@albion.edu

Adriana S. Viscomi
Campus Address: 5472 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: asv11@albion.edu

Sevi C. Vogt (Sevi)
Campus Address: 5498 Kellogg Ctr
Albion, MI 49224-5023
E-mail: scv11@albion.edu

Maya L. Vonderau
Campus Address: 5432 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: mlv11@albion.edu

Maggie J. Vongsa
Campus Address: 5616 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: mjv11@albion.edu

Katriona M. Voogd
Campus Address: 5473 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: kmv12@albion.edu

Dario Vujic
Campus Address: 5593 Kellogg Center
Albion, MI 49224
E-mail: dv11@albion.edu
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